The purpose of this memo is to outline Accord investments Ltd’s site operating procedures during an anticipated prolonged period of social isolation requirements. The goal of these procedures is to maintain a safe and healthy working environment that facilitates social isolation practices and allows the company to continue to provide the necessary services to our clients.
- All persons entering Accord investments Ltd site are required to be COVID-19 orientated.
- All persons entering a Accord investments Ltd site are to sign-in on a daily basis providing their name and employer.
- All persons are to practice social distancing and should maintain a minimum of 2 meters between one another
- All persons are to be reminded to avoid touching face, eyes, nose or mouth.
- Superintendents are to limit the number of workers inside any building or space to 50 people and in such a manner that they can reasonably maintain the 2 meter social distancing requirement.
- This may mean that some of our sites may need to further restrict the number of workers (ie. less than 50) to maintain proper social distancing requirements.
Wash Stations
- All sites are to have wash stations which, disposable towels to dry your hands and appropriate Accord investments Ltd cleaning supplies.
- Wash stations are to be constructed and maintained at each site entrance.
- Additional wash stations are to be provided at a convenient location for workers to access throughout the day.
- All wash stations are to be located in an open area where people can practice social distancing while using.
- The number and location of wash stations is to be site specific and relative to the size and number of workers.
- Let’s make it easy for everyone to wash their hands throughout the day!!
Illness Precautions
- No one is allowed to come to the site if they are experiencing any flu like symptoms (coughing, sneezing, headaches, fever, etc.)
- If a Accord investments Ltd develops any flu like symptoms while at the site, they should immediately leave the office, notify Site Super and First Aid, and follow Health Canada instructions
- If a Accord investments Ltd employee has been or comes into contact with anyone who has be diagnosed with COVID 19, you are required to self-isolate for 14 days. You must notify both Site Super and First Aid and follow Health Canada instructions.
- If anyone notices a person who exhibits COVID-19 like symptoms on site, they are to report it to the Superintendent directly.
Site Logistics
- Common area worker limits should be kept to a maximum that allows easy social distancing.
Washroom Facilities. - Everyone is to wash hands and wipe surfaces with cleaning wipes when entering & exiting.
- Daily cleaning of the washrooms will be organized.
Visitors & Meetings
- No visitors are permitted without proper appointment
- Clients are to follow the same procedures as workers (COVID orientation, follow these site rules)
- Site social gatherings are all cancelled (for all group sizes).
- Site Meetings should be conducted through phone conferencing when possible or in open space if virtual is not possible.
- Site Meetings required in-person are to take place in an open environment where an appropriate distance of 2 meters can be maintained between participants.
COVID Signage and Safety templates
- Safety Program templates
- COVID-19 Worker Orientation
- Accord investments Ltd Workplace Sign-in